Long time since my last post. Was busy in lot of things in my personal and professional life. Got some time today and thought of restarting the process of expressing my thoughts.
World has changed a lot during the last 6 months. From Osama's death to India winning cricket world cup and from protests in Egypt to violence in Libya. But, one thing still remains same, Corruption in India.
Past few months have seen a massive movement in our country in support of a strong and effective Anti Corruption Bill. And, as anyone could have guessed, people who earn their luxury cars and houses from corruption, I would not say bread & butter because the amounts involved can buy bread & butter for whole population of India and not just them, are trying to generate an equally massive movement to oppose such a bill.
I think this is time when we all should stand up and do something instead of just watching from the boundary. You are either for or against a corruption free India. There is no "in between" way. I want to do my bit. So during next few days, I will try to write details of the Bill being asked for by the Civil Society, its differences with the Government's version and my view of everything. And yes, i would like to hear from all of you about your views on things.